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What, Exactly, IS Grief Work?

Oct 2

1 min read




Just yesterday a fellow bereaved mom asked the question: What, exactly IS grief work?
We hear the term bandied around and while it means different things to different people, I use the phrase to encompass the mental, physical, psychological, emotional and relational work (and it is work!) a grieving heart must do in order to process and learn to carry sorrow and missing. And while I won’t pretend to be an expert (except on my own experience) I do have a lot to say about what has helped, what has hurt and what I’ve learned over the over ten years since Dominic left us.
So this month I'm going to begin a series on "Grief Work". I hope it helps some hearts hold onto hope.

I have used the term for years and only recently has someone asked me to define it.

I guess I never realized that in all the writing about it, I’d never really explained what it meant.

So here goes.

Read the rest here: What, Exactly, IS “Grief Work”?

If you'd like to explore further, you can access the more than 3,000 posts I've written since 2015 at

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Oct 2

1 min read





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