Heartache & Hope
Inviting Hope to Heal Broken Hearts
Welcome, dear one, to a place where hope and healing are possible-even in the dark, hard journey of child loss. I've walked this path for over ten years and want to companion you as you walk it too.

“People who have come to know the joy of God do not deny the darkness, but they choose not to live in it. They claim that the light that shines in the darkness can be trusted more than the darkness itself and that a little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness. They point each other to flashes of light here and there, and remind each other that they reveal the hidden but real presence of God.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen, quote from The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming

Why this Ministry?
I have been serving and ministering to the bereaved parent community for nine years through daily blog posts at thelifeididntchoose.com, hosting a public Facebook page and moderating a closed Facebook group for parents. It has been a great privilege and blessing to walk with others along this broken road called child loss and I’ve experienced first hand the power of hope and light to help hearts heal. ​
I didn’t expect to ever do more than that but about a year ago, the Lord planted a vision in my heart to expand into new territory and create safe, in-person spaces for broken hearts to be knit together in love, strengthened in truth and equipped with grace for this arduous journey.
And though I am a quiet person who longs only to stay (mostly) in my home and surrounding area, I am stepping out into uncomfortable places and trusting my Shepherd King to provide the means and direction to journey on.
My hope and heart for this new endeavor:
Monthly local bereaved parent gatherings (check out my personal Facebook page for details if you live in Alabama)
Provide printed resources to bereaved parents and those who love them
Speak to and gather with pastors and others (such as healthcare providers and social workers) who are positioned to come alongside grievers in critical moments
Make myself available to share with and speak to others in local support groups, conferences or other gatherings if invited to do so
Host intimate, quarterly retreats to encourage and refresh bereaved parents
Be a voice for grief education and grief advocacy in the larger community
If you host a local group and would like me to come share with you in person or via Zoom, please feel free to DM me. I can't promise to accept every invitation, but I am going to accept as many as I can.

The Blog:
The Life I Didn't Choose
I share posts here several times a week that originally appeared on my primary blog site, thelifeididntchoose.com.
I've been writing and chronicling my child loss journey there since 2015.
If you'd like to receive those daily posts in your inbox, you can sign up by clicking the link or the "read more" button in this section and visiting the main blog.
There is an archive of over 3000 posts available on a variety of topics relating to grief, faith and the ongoing challenge of living in a world when one (or more) of your children are in Heaven.

Meet Melanie
Melanie and her husband of forty years have lived on a small, homestead nestled in rural Bibb County, Alabama for more than a quarter century. Together they raised four children, dozens of goats, sheep and chickens, along with a few horses, donkeys and assorted other livestock. Three of their children walk the earth with them and one, Dominic, lives with Jesus. The Lord has expanded their family with the addition of a daughter-in-love and two delightful grandsons. Melanie spent the majority of her adult life educating her own children and others in the homeschool community, serving in various church lay ministries and teaching creation science on the family’s homestead. Since her son, Dominic, ran ahead to Heaven in April, 2014, she has dedicated a great deal of her time and energy writing about her family’s grief journey and ministering to the bereaved parent community through her blog, touching over four million hearts with hope in daily posts. She hosts an online support group on Facebook, an in-person support group in her area, shares on podcasts, hosts and facilitates retreats, and accepts speaking engagements when life permits. In August, 2024, she formed Heartache and Hope, a non-profit ministry to allow others to partner with her as she serves bereaved parents, families and those who love them. She loves reading, writing, studying Scripture, extending hospitality and having interesting and wide-ranging conversations with people from all kinds of backgrounds.

- Thu, May 15West Blocton
- Thu, Jun 19West Blocton
- Thu, Jul 17West Blocton
- Thu, Aug 21West Blocton
- Thu, Oct 16West Blocton
- Thu, Nov 20West Blocton
- Thu, Dec 04West Blocton
Downloadable Resources